We happened to be online at the same time...phone call...information came....
She informed me of a phone call she had with Big Red out of the blue a week or so ago. Among other things he shared his version of why it is my fault he had an affair. He denied being in a relationship with 20+ years friend. Although old friend was on the cell phone with Big Red when he answered another phone and she heard him call her by name, tell her his schedule, when he would be home and call her sweetie! But did offer this information to her: he has a line on a roommate to help him with the costs if he keeps the house. Guess who? You guessed it 20+ years friend and her 3 children because she is in the middle of her divorce! It doesn't REALLY matter because we are going to get a divorce but...
- We are STILL married.
- Married people should not be dating other people or other married people.
- He is witnessing to people and claiming to be living for God yet living this way
- He didn't want children with me but will take in 3 children with her
- He is telling my friends I'm making a mistake because he is being faithful now and I'm throwing the marriage away
This old friend has nothing to gain by telling me this and I do believe she wouldn't lie to me. We have both changed a great deal...even so I'll never go back to that old lifestyle. I'll not be giving up on my relationship with God. I will be continuing to try my best to live my life and make the decisions I need to make with the advice of Godly counsel and the wisdom that God gives me.
Wow I feel better now that I got all that off my chest. I guess Big Red is lucky I'm living for God...it probably saved his life :o)
Girl, you are SOOOOO much better off. Remember my post earlier this week about selfish people. Stay up here with us on the high road. The weather's nice.
I know exactly how that goes, and it sucks.
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