Monday, January 16, 2006

All I want is a backrub...

How odd it is that the only thing I want is a backrub. I would give almost anything for a nice backrub. I think it would relieve the stress I am carrying in my shoulders. But I think it is also that I miss being touched. I never realized how much I had grown accustomed to being touched all the time. I used to jump any time someone startled me ar touched me. Now I miss it. I know this may sound odd or sexual in some way but it really isn't. I have simply discovered that I miss being hugged...


maynard said...

I miss the hugs as well!

How is the DivorceCare class going? I start mine this week. I am looking forward to it. I finally found one that works with my schedule.

one4JC said...

We had our week of prayer last week (at my church) so the class actually starts this Weds. I am looking forward to it!