Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006..It has to be better

Well the festivities are winding down and I am glad to welcome a new year. Next year has to be better than 2005. In my personal life and the world around me things have declined to a new low. The highlight reel will be a little bleak this year. In the last year I have seen:
  • My marriage fall apart at the seams by Big Red's confession of adultery. Counselors, mentors, Pastors and friends could not help to bring him around and save this marriage.
  • People coming out of nowhere to offer advice on a issue they have no idea how to deal with.
  • My Mother's steady decline in her mental abilities. Even in the 5 months since I moved in I see it all too clear.
  • On the other hand I have never been closer to God than I have been in this year.
  • I have discovered my "true friends" identities. People have come around me and supported me in ways I could never have imagined. I am truly rich with people that care about me.
  • I have lost about 50 pounds (and at least 2 pants sizes) since May. Let me tell you about this wonderfully successful stress diet...just kidding.
  • I have become a much stronger person. I KNOW I will survive and thrive in this whole mess.

I guess I have more to be thankful for than I realized. Yes the negatives are BIG ones but I am making changes. What is that line...

"Should old acquaintances be forgot and never brought to mind"

When I finally put all of this behind me and start to rebuild my life...Watch out..Here I come!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Isn't it amazing how when your life is falling down around you, your faith in God can move mountains? It's kind of nice, even though the other stuff still seems scary...