I in no way am offended by larger women or intend to offend women with this post.. If you know me you understand that I have been one of those women**. I am not making fun of these women only bringing light to my situation and I am enjoying the cartoon aspect of this post. There is some adult content in a cartoon fashion on this site so be warned. I am trying to find my sense of humor again. Did it work?
I had a nightmare this week. In a previous post I mentioned that Big Red had been "caught" in our front yard talking to the strippers. So I was tormented with this dream of him with other women...many other women. I don't want him back but it still hurts to see him with others (if that makes sense). I went to a site to play games this morning and clear my mind when I found a link to the Dirty Dancing site. In my morning haze I thought oh cool a Dirty Dancing site. I love the first love aspect of the movie but as you can see that was not what I actually got here.
I typed in Big Red's name and belly laughed all the way through the clip. If I have to struggle with seeing him with other women I need this image in my head to combat the feelings. I would rather see this when his words of, "better wife", "loves me more" or the other insults he threw my way when he was mad ring in my mind.
If nothing else I have helped myself laugh today instead of cry.
**I have lost almost 60 lbs since this whole mess started!

That was hilarious. I just need to remember that I don't need to be stripping anytime soon.
I'm guessing your neighbor the stripper DOESN'T look like this gal?
No she actually looks a little more drug dependent skinny kind of addict stripper.
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