I had a difficult time understanding this before I was a Christian. I thought I had to make myself good enough for God. Well that can never happen! I thought that He only listened to "His children" His saved ones you know those "perfect Christians". Believe me when I say I had done many things wrong...even by the worlds standards I was on the fringe ethically speaking. At points I made no effort to even appear as a good decent human being. I simply didn't care.
Through a series of events like the miscarriages of the twins, loss of a parent, impending loss of an in-law, added stress in the form of Big Red's sister and family living with us within weeks of the wedding, the uncertainty of September 11th, both of us being unemployed for a period of time and many other things I found that God had drawn me close to Himself. Amazingly through all these things I survived despite the fact that I was not depending on God.
It took a couple of very close friends to reignite the seeds of faith that had been planted so many years before. Someone to explain that God was only a thought, a word, a cry for help away from me.
If you gain a laugh or a smile from reading my blog it is great. If you are a follower I hope that you are inspired to share your faith with someone else. For others, at the very least I pray that I am planting a seed of faith that someone later in your life will cultivate into great faith.
I still have the link at the side for God's Plan...do you know Him?
Check out this cool link to a video called "That's my King". Turn up the sound and enjoy it.
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