Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Oh my life...

Well here I am set to make my way to another class in hopes of putting my marriage back together. In the last several days I have learned or discovered a few interesting tidbits about my husband:

* I pulled up to the house and discovered him talking to the neighbors in their front yard. Now this may not seem like a big deal until you remember that a) He has had an affair. b) They were 3 women and c) at least one of them is a stripper who has had several different men over there in the past...well maybe some of that is new information sorry.

* I heard from his accountability person that he has not spoken to him in almost a week. He is supposed to call him every night!

*He was laid off work last Thursday and didn't bother to tell me until Sunday night!

I'm frustrated beyond belief at this point! His words say he wants to work on it but as mama used to say, "Actions speak louder than words" We haven't been to a counseling session since the end of July because we can't go back until we can be civil. A little difficult when all I hear is everything I've done wrong in the last 7 years. HELLO! He has committed ADULTERY! We are down to "D-Day". Next week the class is over and we will need to decide in what direction to go from here...Get busy fixing it or get busy divorcing...

1 comment:

Salar37_Shushan said...

Sometimes life just doesnt seem fair at all. Still maybe its better to face his choices now than later?

Don't really have a lot of comforting words but I am praying for you.
