It feels more like the dark days of Winter are slowly ending than jumping right into Spring! We reached high of 39 degrees today. How pathetic is that for the First Day of Spring?! I will be so happy when I can roll down the windows in my car without people looking for the cigarette... because only people who smoke would have their window down in the "middle of winter". I wish to have the wind blowing my hair and to get a little sun. You see in the winter I am beyond white...I am transparent. No really! You can see most of my veins pumping away trying to keep me warm. I will not be making the same mistake as
Laura with the tanning bed. Or worse yet this

I feel like if I could I would love to moon Mother Nature today! But then again my a$$ would probably get frostbite and then I wouldn't be able to ride my scooter this summer! At 10 AM it was only 20 degree with the windchill. This is not Spring. Did someone get it wrong on the calendar? Did anyone notify the weather man?

I hope Spring actually arrives soon...cabin fever is kicking my butt today!
Oh I almost forgot I have a friend who lives in the Warsaw area who once said the easiest way to remember her Birthday was because it was the first day of Spring and, "I'm no Spring Chicken anymore."
So Chickie consider this your offical
Happy Birthday from one4jc! Unless you want me to sing?
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