I DID IT ALL BY MYSELF! I replaced the Oxygen sensor for my car all by myself! Ok so I had a little help getting the car up on the ramps...but as far as "fixing" my car....I DID IT.

So to the naysayers that said I could not do it because I'm a girl, because I don't like to get dirty etc....PPPBBBBSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTT to you! I can do anything I set my mind to!
Can you tell I'm a little excited?
Holy cow! Will you come over now and install my front license plate before I get another love note from the Highway Patrol?
Good for you! Hugs to you dear one just because...!
Good Job!! FYI I made part of that oxygen sensor...
Small accomplishments like that feel good, don't they. To date, I have never changed an oxygen sensor. I have no idea how to do it, and I am not even sure I know what it does. Maybe someday. Good work.
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