Monday, March 27, 2006

It's not an easy walk

So the actual decision to follow Christ isn't that hard. I knew it wouldn't be all roses after I accepted Him. I remember asking a friend after a month or two if "the obedience thing ever ends?" She chuckled and said no.

I can't believe that in May it will have been a year since Big Red told me about the affair. I have been struggling for most of that time about several issues to say the least...

In my DivorceCare last week we discussed the whole issue of SEX. I know that I am not going to sound like everyone else out there but... SEX is a God designed intimate time for a husband and wife. This is a new concept for me.

I have not always been a Christian. I was not a virgin when I got married and Big Red was not the first. WHEW...Glad that's out in the open!

I have seen the issues first hand that arise from sex outside of marriage. Big Red and I started off on a shaky foot because of some of those issues. Since I became a Christian I have watched how it affects people and the damage that came be done.

All that being said...since we discussed this topic in DivorceCare I have been struggling. Oh who am I kidding it hasn't just been the past week that I have struggled!

I know that this is an "obedience thing". God says no and I must live by that.

This point might be more than you bargained for...

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