Most days when I'm not busy being a referee to my two year olds in the class I love reading stories which is great because they LOVE to listen to their favorite books over and over again. We have 3 books that we MUST read every morning. If we don't read them there will be tears, fits thrown and other dire consequences. As if several two year olds throwing fits isn't consequence enough...
So I have been reading these books for almost 2 years straight every day. The children only move on when they turn 3 years old. Because they do not have their birthdays all on the same day we always have a child that "member dat book". I have managed to take breaks from a book occasionally but never more than one book for more than a week or two. So I know the books by heart. I even know when to turn the pages to keep up with the pictures. The children also know the stories by heart. Most days they say them VERY loudly so everyone in the daycare can also hear their favorite story as well.
We even managed to turn Brown Bear Brown Bear into a song/ performance for our Spring Program last year. Hey they like it so why not go with it?
I think the kids like one of the books just because they like to say the word "poopy" because it is called the "Poopy Book" instead of Everyone Poops.
I think they like The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear because of the repeating words and the "suspense" of the story.
Beside where else could you read a book outloud about poop?
I lve the Robert Munsch book that is called Good Families Don't. It talks about Farts - maybe I should bring it in for show-n-tell.
:) Maybe not
I'm sure that it must be referred to in Leviticus somewhere...
Maybe not as poop but as some other term.
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