- The Big Bear~ This is my child who when looking at him we already suspect he will be the Captain of his High School football team. He is the child who is the guardian of the classroom who lets no little girl be pushed or harassed in any way by another boy. He has a huge heart for others and won't let anyone near him when he is hurt because, "I fine!"
- The Rebellious Vegetarian~ This is my child who is a vegetarian because of her parent's religion. She is rebellious on many levels but we can't leave her unattended at lunch because she will run across the room to snag a hotdog off someone's plate when they aren't looking. She always yells "No" in response to any question even if it is "Do you want some candy?"
- The Slowest Child on Earth~This is the child that during a fire drill with lights and buzzers going off will stop to pick up a toy and a book as she saunters over to the door. She may announce that she has to pee but take 5 minutes to cross the room and wet her pants in the process.
- The "No Hablo Ingles" Child~This child started our Day Care not knowing ONE WORD OF ENGLISH. He only spoke Spanish and not very well since he is only 2 years old. As teachers we learned a few phrases and started repeating everything we could in both languages. He is catching on...But when we need to discuss something like ...oh say....hitting, kicking and tackling my other friends we call in the expert from the office to give him the "what for" in his own language.
- The Spoiled Princess~ This little girl is always dressed in pink and spoiled rotten because of the inconsistency at home. Her parents are in the middle of a bitter divorce and if Dad chooses to be involved that week there are tantrums like I have never seen before. When the pretty pink lace starts kicking watch out because the shoes will be thrown next!
- The "I AM potty trained!" child~ He really is potty trained he just has shall we say aiming issues. We change his clothes frequently because he isn't tall enough (or coordinated enough) to stand and too small to really tuck properly if you understand that. But he is potty trained for the most part :o)
- There 15 of them and only 3 adults.
- Of the 3 consistent people in the room 1 of us was fired a few weeks ago.
- Of the 3 consistent people in the room 1 of us has been so sick this week that she was hospitalized overnight...needless to say she hasn't been at work.
- Today was the first day in over a month we were able to go outside because it has been so freaking cold!
OK enough whining from me for now...
1 comment:
And no none of these children belong to Sheri... :o)
I haven't come up with the right words to describe how colorful some of the children are and she would be one of them
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