Monday, February 27, 2006

Dr. Phil

I would love to know what Dr. Phil's take on this whole situation would be. I love his no nonsense approach to people. You see Big Red got his divorce papers on Saturday. Are you ready for this...He is mad at me! He had the affair. He refuses to consult with "Godly Counsel". He refuses to go back to the Counselor. He refuses to cut contact with his female friends. He refuses to stop going to the bars and/or going to play pool.

Up to a point I would have jumped through hoops to save this marriage. I compromised, I agreed to things in counseling that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I tried. I would have roped the moon for him if he would have asked me to.

The problem is that one person cannot fix it by themselves. I can't jump through hoops and be the only one trying. If both people give 110% it can be a great marriage. If only one is 110% and the other is anything less than that it can become very one sided. I started to become a doormat. God never intends for anyone to be a doormat.

I am still mad at Big Red. I am furious, livid and downright irate.

But I still love my one ever teaches you how to fall out of love.

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1 comment:

Phil said...

Dr. Phil is a bag of hot air. It's hard to view him otherwise after watching the Sesame Street episode.

...not that this has anything to do with your problems.

