Saturday, February 25, 2006

The South Dakota Abortion ban

Ok I know I may be opening a can of worms here but....

Check out this article that indicates that South Dakota is on it's way to banning all abortions except for when the Mother's life is in danger. It will be challenged in court when the Governor signs it into law so it will not take effect until the Supreme Court hears the case.

Any thoughts on this one way or the other?


Sheri said...

OK, I shouldn't even start . . . but when has that stopped me before?

I am very anti-abortion for myself. I think it is wrong in the eyes of God. I wouldn't want to have to make or live with that decision . . .

With that being said, I also don't believe that our government should ban abortions on that same premise. I can't force someone to pray before they eat just because I believe it to be proper in the eyes of the Lord. I can't make someone attend church/synagogue/mass just because you should.

I can't make someone adhere to my religious beliefs just because I believe them to be a mandate from God. That is NOT my goverments job.

If that makes me pro-choice . . . I'll have to accept that. Will I caution someone considering abortion? Absolutely. Will I provide help and/or alternatives? Yep. Will I answer the question of "should I have an abortion" with No? You betcha! Can my government say to a woman, "You can't do that because my God says it's wrong"? I dont think so.

Let's not even get into the whole danger of unillegal abortions and clinics . . .

I'm stepping down from the soap box . . .

Laura said...

I've been avoiding blogging about this whole subject. As a Christian, I personally believe that abortion is wrong. I won't be having one. However, not everyone is Christian. And I'd like to believe it's the same premise that makes it illegal for anyone to murder regardless of belief, but I don't think it's that at all. It is not about the safety of mother or unborn babies; if that were true there'd be plenty of safe and affordable health care and social service programs for every woman who has a child and can't afford it or doesn't have the faculties to raise a child. Adoption would be pushed as a viable option. The death penalty would be cruel and unusual punishment.

No, the argument is not about murder. It's just a way to further an agenda that is not that of the majority of Americans. I really wish that this were being done because these politicians saw abortion as immoral and inethical. It is not; they are making a political statement. They are challenging our rights to see if they can further erode them. This law has nothing to do with protecting unborn babies.

I struggle with being pro-choice and being Catholic. But personally the decision was made for me in high school. I heard on the radio about a 13-year-old girl in Ireland who was raped by a friend's dad at a slumber party. I was incensed that very Catholic Ireland not only prevented her from getting an abortion there, but arrested her for getting on a plane and going to London to have an abortion. I often wonder what happened to that girl, probably 15 years later. It's not the government's place to make that decision for her, especially not a government made up almost entirely of men.

I'm not for abortion, but I think the solution is education -- and I mean real sex ed, not abstinence-only -- rather than just making abortions illegal. We have access to this modern medical procedure that sometimes is the ONLY option. Let's not send our daughters and sisters to the back alleys.

Alisa said...

Wow! O.K.

I am a Christian, and I get the whole we can't force our religious beliefs on others ... blah, blah, blah.

And I get that government can't endorse religion ... yada, yada, yada.

But what's that got to do with abortion? (That was retorical) What I mean is that with God or without God, ending a life is ending a life. There are plenty of self called atheists who take an anti-abortion position.

Murder is wrong, people know it and government punishes it. No God seeking involved there.

What it really comes down to is if the life your ending is "really" life, since it is dependant on the mother. But what about a new born baby? Is he not dependant on it's mother to supply his needs?

I think as long as abortion is legal and available it will be used and thought of as a "back up plan". Whereas, if it is only to be available as an emergency route if the mother's life is endangered, all the mother-to-be has to do is state she is desperate and/or suicial. Boom, the mother's llife is at risk.

When you look at the extremely small percentage of pregnancies resulting from rape, it is so small. Even if a woman chose to cry rape falsely to obtain an abortion, one would only need look at the dates. Was a rape charge filed on the night of the incident, or 8 weeks later after a positive test. Are women so desperate to try to lock up ex-lovers around the country to get abortions?

But anyway, right is right and wrong is wrong and when people refuse to make right choices on their own someone (even government) needs to step in.

In my humble opinion!

I think even those people doing it know it's wrong, but do it anyway to avoid further.....fill in the blank (embarassment, imposition, hardship, whatever...)

Kathleen F. said...


I agree with all that you said. Murder is murder is the very point I wanted to make.