Yes I could have called a locksmith for him but that would be costing me money as well. Until he is actually served with the papers and the follow up letter from my attorney we can't separate out all the bills and split the finances for good. To do so already would be VERY harmful to MY credit. If we (the attorney and I) take the proper steps it will be to my benefit.
No he is not my responsibility anymore BUT.... If I do not make waves unnecessarily then we can TRY to keep this as civil as possible. I know this is going to be hard and well...pretty much suck... but I can try to be a grown up about this and make this a little easier.
Maybe I am being too nice..... Maybe this will come back and bite me in the ass...Maybe I will regret this later...
I am doing the best I can with the knowledge I have. Thanks for the feedback it is always welcome.
I don't think you should've called a locksmith, I think he should've found a "friend" to bring him TO YOU to get the extra set. You should'nt have had to go to him. You are not his "mommy"
It's not an extra set...It is my set of keys to the house I am still paying for so I'm not about to give up my only set of keys...
Call me selfish... :o)
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