I have not managed to coordinate schedules with Big Red to file the taxes yet. If all else fails I will file my own without him.
It cracks me up the things people try to lie on their taxes about:
- The number of dependents they may have
- The amount given to charity
- The amount given to the Church in Tithe
- People caught altering their W-2's!!
- Taking deductions for absolutely everything they purchase
Does the concept of morality escape that much of the population? What happened to ethics? Doesn't the thought of an audit even scare them?
I am one of those people that has filed an amendment because someone entered an extra zero to a charitable contribution. More out of fear of the being caught for a mistake than anything else.
I have enough relatives (and soon to be ex-relatives) in jail so the thought of joining them is threat enough to keep me honest.
1 comment:
Although I agree that lying about the amount of your tithe on your taxes is fraudulent and therefor criminal, I also believe that even claiming a tithe as a deduction on your taxes is unbiblical. Give charitably and let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing. I believe if you tell others of the amount you are giving away, the tax write off becomes your reward.
IMO, Alisa
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