- Ice cream~ Ice cream has always been a nice little escape ever since I was a wee child.
- Clothes line dried clothes~I love the way clothes smell when they are dried outside in the fresh air.
- Time with friends~I treasure being able to go to lunch with a friend or just catching "coffee" to talk.
- Petting my cat~I love it when my cat curls up in my lap and wants to be petted.
- A good book~ I like to curl up with a good book and a blanket on a rainy day.
- Candles~I love the smell of candles and the way they light up a room with a soft glow.
- Prayer time~ I treasure the time I get to spend with God everyday.
- Fresh cut flowers~ I like fresh cut flowers in a vase beside my bed or next to the computer.
- Clean sheets~ I love to crawl into bed at the end of a long day and smell clean sheets and enjoy the freshness of them.
- A hug~ In the past I did not want to be hugged at all. I have a small group of people who I allow to hug me now. I treasure the comfort and security in those hugs.
I do not know 10 people to tag so I will tag: rosalie, Laura and Patty.
Good Luck!
What a great list! Thanks for playing my friend. :) I'm a big believer that when one is going through the valleys they need to be reminded of the simple things in life to take pleasure in.
That were a lot of things on your list I agreed with but tried not to duplicate the items. Line dried clothes, candles, clean sheets, and a hug to name a few. I have completed my challenge as requested. Thanks for stopping by and making me feel included.
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