Here is the Synopsis before the hospital:
Ok...when I woke up this morning my right eye was a little
droopy..thought that's odd...went to work at 6:00am.
I was feeling ok...then at about 9:00am I got really dizzy, confused, couldn't remember some of the children's names (I teach 2 year olds), the whole right side of my face was droopy, I was stumbling and I was slurring my words...needless to say I went home...my Mom (where I live
ugh ) and sister (who lives across the street) saw me and I was carted off to the ER.
After a CAT Scan and being seen by the Doctor he came up with a "Pre-Belles Palsy like" attack. I told them I have APS...blood clotting disorder...my sister even brought articles and mentioned stroke, TIA's etc. "No you're too young for that" they finally diagnosed it as dizziness from a non serious cause...
By the time it was time to go I walked out on my own and felt fine well except that I'm really tired...
I'm still foggy but feeling better...
I'm part of a forum about APS and this is the response that I got from one of the members:
It WAS a TIA! That was a vertebrobasliar TIA. No one is too young to have a stroke or TIA. I would call hospital administration and have words with them. Have your mom have words with them also. Call your primary and make him/her aware of it and write it down in your journal.
Have your mom or someone take a picture of your face when it does that. Pictures do help alot.
The ER claimed this was a migraine. I had a coworker tell me it was Bells Palsy because she had a sister who had that for a few months. See, I have had them more then once...and at my former employer...the same one who said this disease was a matter of convienence. 2-3 months later, the neuro had a fit and said it was a TIA based in my brainstem.
And Bells Palsy doesn't go way that fast.
I emailed her the pictures and she still thinks it is a TIA...
I had the exact same thing happen to me about 2 years ago. I was driving to the dentist and forgot his name. The left side of my face was droopy and my vision was screwed up. They thought I was having a stroke, but my CAT scan was fine. I had an MRI also. It turns out it was a migraine. The neurologist confirmed it and it hasn't happened again. That was one expensive migraine, let me tell you!
But chances are with this APS diagnosis and this being, not the first one (I think I have had 3 others that they called Optical migraines) but definitley the worst one when I see the Nuerologist with the pictures it will most likely be classified as a TIA.
It was quite a sight to see me droopy and drooling...mumbling to everyone getting mad because I make sense in my head but no one else understands me.
You poor thing you. First what happened, happens, and then you have to deal with medical science that make diagnosis by figuring out what isn't wrong with you.
Not that I am a doctor, but my thought (for what it is worth) from the time I read your first sentence was TIA.
Three other thoughts.......
1. Maybe you should make up cue cards to carry with you, so you could pull them out to help people understand you. (That is if you remember you have them with you the next time you need them.)
2. Something is definitely going on and don't let anyone brush you off and/or away, or make you feel like they are wasting your time. Ask to see a patient's bill of rights if someone treats you poorly.
3. Maybe you should start a pool (you know like they do for football games.) and let people buy squares with different diseases, and estimated times that you will have a real answer. You might make a bunch of money off of it.
Take care of you!
ROFL at #3!!! I love that idea!
I hope you never experience that again dear woman..it had to be scary and frustrating as all get-out.
At least you know the big guy will be watching over you, even if the doc's can't find their butts w/both hands.
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