After the first three days we had our fill of Monopoly games, 52 card pick-up, Checkers and with 5 channels available on TV...well you get the picture.
My sister and I were sent outside to shovel the sidewalks and driveway. I was young so I wasn't much help but I was out of my parent's hair for awhile burning off energy in the snowbanks. I remember making a snow angel and getting stuck in the snow and not being able to get up. My sister laughed at me (this will become important). We had a small dachshund dog who got stuck in a snowbank as well and I had been nice enough to help her out.
Low and behold my Mom allegedly sticks her head out the door and tells my sister to have me come in because it is cold outside and they didn't want me to get sick. I didn't hear this. I had just managed to get myself out of the snowbank and I was ticked!
So I am MAD and now I have to go inside! WHAT!?
My sister is starting to panic because she doesn't want to be in trouble for not sending me inside. There is a small scuffle and I lose because I am several years younger. Can you see it coming?
I back away, pick up the shovel and....SMACK!
Blood begins to poor out of my sisters nose as I had just (more than likely) broken her nose with the shovel! Of course now I am more than willing to scoot my little behind inside the house.
I burst into tears because I KNOW I am in trouble for sure. I run for the house, get my snow clothes off and crawl into my bed to pretend I am taking a nap.
I remember getting spanked and losing TV viewing for awhile.
Amazingly enough my Dad dug out and made it across town before anyone else at his plant the very next day. It took him 2 hours to make the 1/2 hour drive but he no longer had to deal with us during the Blizzard of 78.
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