I am grateful that one of the new step siblings was present with her family if not it surely would have been a very quiet day. You see Beau made a choice to not speak to my sister or I today. He asked me a question at one point but never made eye contact. He spoke with others in the house but not us. Mom spoke but only in commands or questions...no conversations.
I am thankful that for the first time in my life I was not asked to help clean the house before dinner could be served. My Mom never cleans until all of the family has arrived and then we are sent on little errands to help her "straighten up a little". It is not like we take pictures, expect more company or anything like that. There have been times that we have been used on Easter Day to get the patio furniture out of the garage and clean it. We don't use it that day and I don't feel like using a hose when I am dressed for Easter. So we have all gotten in the habit of changing after church so that we don't ruin our clothes. Thankfully this year it was too cold for any of those items to be done.
I am frustrated by the way this "joining of the two families" is going thus far. Mom seems to be throwing out everything that was important to her to satisfy Beau. Even at the expense of her daughters...
I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about the whole Texas trip etc. She was shocked by some of the things Beau said to us. She asked me what I expected my Mom to do? I thought about it for a moment and said simply, "Defend me." I don't expect her to leave him or divorce him but simply defend me when he attacks or belittles the way that she and my Dad raised us.
That's all...
Support me and what she used to stand for....
1 comment:
Christ has risen! Glorify him! Happy Easter!
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