PMS is not fun when lots of change is occurring.
Mom and Beau were in town at the house today.
I managed to avoid them.
I had dinner with a friend today.
It was very nice to have a grown up conversation even if it was at McDonald's.
The battery in my watch died today. Yes I have clocks around me everywhere but I am VERY used to looking at my wrist for the information.

One day of scooter riding will not help me get over this case of Spring Fever I have.
I finally got the Kirby vacuum cleaner from Big Red.
I need to go shopping for the new job as new attire is needed. But until I go the first day and see what the current person wears (and what is generally acceptable) I don't want to buy too much.
It is Spring Break for most of the area schools.
Three of my closest friends are all out of town this week.
People I talk to a lot.
Cats make very good makeshift heating pads when you have cramps.
1 comment:
Shop at your local Goodwill for a few things to tide you over until you figure out new job fashion trends. This will save you a ton of money and you won't feel bad if you never wear them again.
Back when I was doing PT and we were not allowed to wear shorts in hot weather I would go to Goodwill and buy the most ugly, out of date dresses I could find to cover up my shorts just to make a point. This served double duty as it also gave the office something new material about me to talk about.
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