Today I closed a chapter in my life as it was the last day I worked at my job of the last 3 years. I have mixed emotions.
I am ready for a new challenge...a new pay scale and a new fresh start to go with the new name I have acquired. I did make some friends at this place. I have seen many faces come and go and no doubt I will miss the children greatly. I had one little boy (whose mom had told him about my upcoming move) stick so close to me today that I tripped over him several times. He is 2 so I wondered how much any of the children would understand but this little guy got it. I lost count of the number of hugs I got today from him...I was getting ready to leave today and 3 of the children bounded off their cots to run and give me hugs before I left...somehow they all knew today.
There was one little guy who has moved on to another class that I will particularly miss. I looked in his room on my way out of the building and he was still sleeping. That was probably for the best.
It was kind of fitting that one little girl hurt herself this morning. I picked her up for a hug to "make it better" and she promptly bled all over the back of my shirt because she had split her lip. So I had a moment to go home and change shirts...well and bra... because it soaked through. Working with two year olds one seems to always get some sort of bodily fluid on oneself by the end of the day. There have been days during flu season that I was thankful I was spritzed by a potty training boy instead of the projectile vomit flying around the room...I mean if you have to pick one.....
Regardless I will miss "my kids".
I had two different ladies approach me today and tell me things that made me want to tear up and yet realize that people are watching. They both said that they were impressed with how I have handled myself with the Big Red situation. When I began working there I had a solid marriage. Within the first year there I had another miscarriage and the cracks started showing in our marriage. These women I know as my friends hugged me when the affair happened. Encouraged me when I wanted to give up too early and were ready with a positive word when I needed it.
They both said that I handled myself with dignity and that my faith was amazing. I think my God is amazing not necessarily my faith. There were times that I wanted to head for the hills but God threw roadblocks in my way or would send someone to lift my spirits.
I also had some friends that avoided me today because saying goodbye would have been too hard. I saw the glances and the quick waves in the hallway. We all made promises to keep in touch but it will never be the same as spending most of our days together.
I will miss my friends as well.
1 comment:
Goodbyes can be really hard, but also exciting in the fact that they signify change and the potential to move on towards bigger and better things. God has great things in store for you!
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