I slept 9 hours last night...still exhausted I came home from work early and took a 3 hour nap today. The only thing that could make this better would be if I had my ankles back. Even with the MANY...MANY times we stopped to stretch and potty my ankles and calves are still one...cankles I believe they are called. After much soaking and elevation I believe the only thing that will bring back "my" ankles is a hot tub.
Nope don't see one in the backyard....out of luck I guess.

Beau has racist tendencies. I was unaware of this before the trip. We could not eat at certain places because they were "too dark"... If you aren't born here then go home... I just don't like "them"... I actually heard the word "coloreds"... Women should not drive after dark or alone (oh wait that would be his chauvinistic side).
After I came out of a store and he accused 2 guys of "casing the place" because they were walking around inside up and down the aisles I explained that they were talking about legs hurting etc. He turned and sneered a little disbelievingly "Oh you speak Spanish now?"
"Yes I do, enough to understand that...You have enough children in your classroom that speak Spanish you tend to pick up the language...oh and I had 3 years in high school....not to mention that my ex husband is Puerto Rican."
His response??? "Well I still just don't like them!" Someone piped up that Big Red is Hispanic again..."Yeah...I wouldn't have known that until I met his Mother." I asked "What did you think he was?"
"Oh I don't know I guess them Puerto Ricans can be that dark too. "
OK fine. You don't like Big Red. Fine. Don't like him because he cheated on me...don't like him because he's a jerk...don't like him because of something he has control over...
To not like him simply because of the color of his skin is ridiculous, ignorant and just wrong. I lost a lot of respect for him.
Over the course of this trip we heard many comments like this...he had numerous opportunities to back track out of or clarify his position. He never did. He never stopped to think that Sister's husband was not born in the USA either.
My parents did not raise us this way. I was raised ignorant of other cultures simply because we did not live in a town big enough to have much diversity. Everyone was equal and judged on their own actions and merit...not skin color.
Where in the H-E-L-L did Mom find this guy? And this has suddenly become OK with her?!? It seems as if she is slowly turning her back on everything that was important to her...
Make sure when you are putting your feet up that they are higher than your heart to help get the fluid out.
If that pic is of your ankle, it looks much more like a bad sprain than extra fluid. That is one of the puffiest I have ever seen you over achiever you!
That isn't my ankle BUT............. It does look very similar to what my ankle looked like...thankfully it is much better now.
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