So as you can see Sapphire is preparing for her weekend visitor. It seems as though we will have a visit from the dog from yonder across the way.
Coffee will be running away with Mr. Manly for the weekend. They do get along great but sometimes the Happy Lab feels the need to bathe my cat and that might or might not go over so well depending on the mood of said cat.
I spoke with Big Red tonight and he seems to be in a hurry all of a sudden to get this all over and done with. I don't know what (or who) suddenly changed his gears but THANK YOU.
I believe I may have taken the worst Passport photo ever but I figure after spending that much time on a plane I will more than likely look like that photo when I get there.
Oh sister, I'm gonna have to show you my passport photo sometime!!! It's awful. (Not as bad as my driver's license, but not good...) I can't believe I don't get the special security treatment more often with it!
Didn't anyone tell you? They are suppose to be terrible.
I'll show you my horrible picture, if you show me yours!
OK, so at first I totally thought that was Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. So, my caption is:
Run Katie, while you still have the chance!!!!!
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