I had a blast on the jetski. I even was given the special task of taking Beau out for his first ride. We didn't make it too far when the engine became clogged with weeds. Usually this is not a big deal because you jump off and rock it while pulling the weeds out. Rocking makes it easier to reach the clogged parts and the water flow helps to loosen it up.
But here's the catch... My passenger was a 73 year old man whom I didn't think I would be able to get back on the jetski in the middle of the lake. At this part of the lake it is easily 30 feet deep. So we ever so gingerly switched places and I tried hard to remove the weeds without getting off. I didn't want to knock him off. I removed as much as I could but had to get in the water. In the weeds. In the middle of the lake.
It literally took me 30 minutes to unclog the jetski. But I was able to do it without rocking it. I got back on and instead of switching places Beau drove us back to the house. Which was interesting because I had to provide directions for him...without the benefit of his hearing aids!
Yeah so that was fun.
My sister and I made a pilgrimage over to my Father's grave. She wanted to place a flag on his grave. He is a veteran but somehow he gets missed when they place the flags out at his cemetery. So anyway we are taking pictures of the bench/tombstone on the camera phones when I see it. It. It is a used condom on the ground underneath the bench.
No one ever believes me when I say that we have the Superman emblem on the tombstone. One side has the emblem and the other side has a picture of my Mom in her clown makeup.
Anyway back to this condom. My sister managed to move it with the stick portion of the flag. We made a few jokes on the way back to the house about how Mom wanted people to sit and think on the bench. Well apparently they did more than think. Maybe we should provide an ashtray for those folks along with the lava lamp to set the mood.
But deep down I wanted to cry. I know in my heart that my Dad isn't there. BUT at the same time I don't want people screwing on the spot where we laid him to rest. The thing that keeps going through my mind is WHAT kind of people have sex in a graveyard!?
I haven't always been an angel. But I can't imagine ever having sex in a graveyard. There is just something wrong about that. And even IF (and that's a big if) I could get past that, why on earth would you leave the condom on someone's tombstone!
That's my Dad's tombstone. Not a bed and breakfast.
So if you who had sex on top of my Dad's grave happen to be reading this could you do me a favor and STOP IT!
Sick and twisted people. Absolutely disgusting someone would do that!
Happy 4th my friend. Love ya! :)
I'm sorry! Some people hold nothing sacred, and that is a sad thing for them. Hopefully people will read this post and be able to see their actions through the "other guys" eyes.
Glad you shared!
Yeah, that's really tacky. And creepy. Wow. I just can't even believe people would do that.
I am going to guess that it had to be someone that has never lost anyone dear to them and that they also have absolutely NO CLASS to do something like that.
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