My first thought being the clown that I am was...
What about infertile clowns? Does it help them conceive to stare in the mirror and do magic tricks for a few minutes before having sex or doing the invitro fertilization? What about watching taped performances of themselves clowning?
Anyone who has read this blog for long knows that I do not have any children here on earth with me. I am not infertile. I have miscarriages due to a blood clotting disorder that I have called APS. I don't think the article applies to me but I did get a good laugh at how medical research dollars are being spent.
I haven't been updating as much because I have been out scooting around and continuing to raise the needed funds for the Jamaica missions trip. I have raised all but the last $400.00. I am amazed at how fast $20.00 here and $50.00 there adds up so quickly. I will be applying for the dreaded passport on Monday and starting to prepare the necessary Legal and Medical paperwork as well this week.
As far as the divorce goes I seem to be in a holding pattern circling the airport waiting on the courts. The lawyer has all the paperwork she needs. She is shuffling, collating, filing and the like to eat up that nice retainer fee I paid her. I will make a phone call or 2 this week to see where things stand.
I am doing well with all the emotions of the divorce (on most days). I have thought about changing the name of the blog and taking off the "...Divorce sucks" part again. It still sucks just not as bad as it did in the beginning or even the first year of the process. I finally think I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for the update. Nice to know all is well in your world.
As to the medical research using clowns....... I am still trying to get my mind around that one. Never having gone through IVF, I can't say for sure, but I think if my husband had to spill into a cup while I waited on a table with my legs in the stirups to receive the goods, praying that THIS TIME the procedure worked, I might be asking for a pie to thow in the clowns face. Just to relieve some of my stress and pressure don't yoou know.
Wait! Maybe they have a simular study for over-worked health care workers........ I'll start making pies right now! Where do I sign up?
I'm so glad that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I for one have been there and want you to know there is a bright sunshine at the end of that tunnel just waiting for you!! My thoughts are with you!
And keep clowning around, I love it! :0)
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