Yeah right!
So am readying for the jaunt around the yard sales when my phone rings. It's my Mom. I only know because of the caller ID on the phone. She is crying ....and driving. Not a good combo.
I know that Mom and Beau have Jr (aka squirrel on crack after 5 expresso coffees) and all I can make out is something about Beau, a local hospital, arm hurts, heart, please come get Jr.
I sped (sorry Mr. Police officer....) over to the hospital all the while making a few phone calls canceling/postponing some plans and to get people praying.
Fast forward 5 1/2 hours...I am able to leave the joint with Jr. and Beau is stable.
I arrive late to the party with an extra kid in tow. He has a blast swimming, playing and getting rocks removed from his feet by the resident ER trainee...
We come home to sit down and the neighbor notices I have Jr. and asks if he can come over and play at his house a few doors down....sure get yourself good and tired before you come home.
Beau is staying "overnight" at the hospital because his EKG's still aren't normal. They "think" (don't you love how Dr.'s now won't commit to anything) he has somehow injured his arm which has caused the extreme pain that has sent his heart into this wild rhythm. Thus causing his blood pressure to hover right around 220/180 which is not good. Which is also not allowing his heart to function in a sinus rhythm.
Whew even I didn't get all that and I typed it...bottom line he is still at the hospital and I now have the wonder dog and the squirrel on crack.
And I still need to do some laundry...
1 comment:
What would we all do without our family to rely on? Good job coming through for yours!
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