A few noteworthy items...
I am once again on the phone trying to find a tire for the scooter.
I told Big Red he will have to pay the excess attorney fees I am accumulating because he refuses to get me the paperwork I need.
We had an awesome service in Church this AM. We did not worry about seperating church and state as we prayed for our leaders and soldiers.
Please remember to take time to thank anyone who has served in the armed forces. They have helped to keep this our independence day by defending our country.
1 comment:
You won't be alone! Fireworks is another thing that I have not been to since starting my business. Not only do most of my resident's go to bed waaaay before dark, but if we did manage to make it over hill and dale (do you know how hard it is to push a wheel chair on grass or dirt?) they couldn't extend their necks back far enough to see the sky anyway! We watch it on television.
Did Big Red get all big with indignation and red with fury when you shared the bright news with him? "Welcome to the "real" world buddy!"
At least your finger is getting some exercise dialing the phone!
I have worked with many WWII vets,(and a few vietnam vets as well) and it has always been my practice, once I find out, to shake their hand and thank them for being willing to step up and keep my country safe for me. It is sad how surprised most of them are when I do this, as it is not common practice. I take way to many things for granted, but I get the notion of how valuable our freedom is, and how much worse my life would be without it. Thanks for the reminder to practice gratitude.
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