This is a "five things" type meme...It caused me to think so it can't be that bad. By the way I borrowed it from
Patty:5 Things in my freezer:1. Fish sticks...I love the dang things!
2. Tiny little "meatloaf" type things that my Mom froze in aluminum muffin pans.
3. Ice Cream~ This is actually a no brainer if you know me at all!
4. An refreezable ice pack
5. Butter....I don't know why my Mom feels the need to buy it that far ahead and freeze it.
5 Things in my car:1. Children's books. They are the ones I take to work every so often but never leave there because they might disappear.
2. Hair Clippers~ A friend of mine let me borrow these once to cut Big Red's hair in the summer and I had so much fun with them that she let me keep them.
3. Clothes~ Every time I manage to swing by the other house in the car I end up taking a piece or two of my clothes that I accidentally left behind.
4. A Bible~ I have quite a few Bibles and one always manages to get left behind in the car.
5. Lots and lots of music...
5 Things in my Closet:1. Clothes~ On hangers no less. But of course to listen to Big Red I never hung up an article of clothing the entire time we were married.
2. A Printer~ I have an extra one that I took from the house that I don't use here.
3. Some Superman stuff~ My collection that I have been working on for a few years is still in boxes in the garage. I have continued to have people give me things especially at Christmas and they are being stored there so I don't have to put them in the garage.
4. Clown Clothes~ 'Nuff said
5. Books~ I moved in such a hurry that I ended up with books everywhere! I am slowly gathering them there until they find a permanent home on a shelf.
5 Things in my Handbag (purse):1. Body Refresher spray~ Ha ha it is the relaxation type
2. Scripture~ I have notes typed on paper that I refer to when I need encouragement.
3. Medical information~ Needed information on APS if I require it.
4. Toys~ No not that kind! I don't sit still well so I have Koosh balls and other things to keep my hands busy when I have to listen to someone speak.
5. Tic Tacs~ When I quit smoking I picked up a new addiction...Tic Tacs!
Let me know if you pick up this tag and I come check it out!