It started off well but then a bit of a water fight erupted between two of the teachers "supervising" the children. Soon I was the only dry teacher left standing...well not for long.
A BUCKET of water was literally poured over my head.
Well myself being in charge of the hose was not about to have this act go unpunished. Many buckets of water were thrown at each other, hoses were wrestled over and all 3 of the teacher were DRENCHED!

I looked like I had stood outside under a waterfall without an umbrella. Or maybe some poor soul caught at Sea World without the $10.00 Parkas they sell.
Crappy looks were given by the office folks when we responded that we did not have extra clothes with us. We begged and borrowed spare clothes from fellow teachers, dramatic play dress up clothes, the extra large shirts we use at lunch to protect the children's clothes on messy lunch days and even an extra shirt a Pastor had with him.
FUN? The jury is still out on that one...
My turn to vent now so click off if you don't want to hear it...
It's hard to have a good day when one is wearing a wet bra and underwear under the borrowed clothes. So I figure why not....I'll check some of the finances that Big Red was supposed to be taking care of that have my name attached in some way or another.
Yeah...the credit card...deep breath...Big Red has chosen to charge 2 tickets to Las Vegas for August. He had previously told me they were for winning a pool tournament and that he needed to play at the National tournament...but not to worry he would be reimbursed for the airfare by the league once he provided the receipt. As he said he was the only member of the 4 person (all male) team that had a credit card.
Yeah...Credit card....deep breath....I checked the online account today again and found that he has charged the 2 tickets and one is in the name of 20+ years friend! Or you can learn more here or here or here or maybe here or well you get the picture.
It just amazes me that he can stand in front of me and flat out lie to me. How can he lie to all those people at church and the pastors? I have no tolerance for people that lie. I don't have room in my life for the deceptiveness they bring to relationships.
I know I should be over this by now but I'm not. I think it is all part of the process. While I process and vent it all out I am actually healing.
He will probably be getting subpoenas soon for all the information he "can't find" or hasn't made copies of it yet. That will be interesting! I'm guessing he wants this over before he flies to Vegas with the 20+ years tramp in case he wants to visit a wedding chapel and be married by an Elvis look-a-like LOL
I been down the therapy route and one of my closest friends is a therapist so she keeps me in check...I'm doing all the things I need to do to walk this out but sometimes it is a little overwhelming and I just need to emotionally vomit here to get it out of my system...:o)
I think you're doing fine dealing with this, it inspires me to read your Blog everyday, you;re a trooper and I;d admire your grit.
Hang in there kiddo!
Well "Bud" here's the scoop:
Credit is not in my name in fact the card hasn't been in my name for almost a year BUT a Judge can decide to that all debt needs to be split down the middle 50/50 (as per my lawyer) and I can end up paying for it as well even though it is not in my name at all. AND No I can't freeze the account because I was never the primary on the account. So I'm not really bankrolling his habits unless the judge decides that I will be doing so.
The lawyer advised me to track the spending so that I can show the judge that it is not me charging on the account. So no I'm not making a "Conscious effort" to stay in his life other than what the attorney and other counselors have told me to do.
Unless you have been in my life and know every detail, every piece of advise I have received from paid counselors and other counsel I have received from Godly people who have walked through this before me you do not have the right to tell me I'm not in the process of healing. You only are reading what I chose to post here and have no idea what goes on in my head or my heart!
This is my blog...MY place to vent if you don't like it don't read it! I'm not fooling myself so don't presume to know me.
By the way I noticed that you just created your account and that your blog is non existent or at least the link from your profile doesn't work.
You know that this is a hard time and I have been there myself, matter in fact it seems to go on and on.
I have become a stronger person myself and am still getting stronger with each thing that happens. I have been lucky to find someone to talk to that has helped me become this person.
It sounds like you have found the right people to help you through this. Please keep up the blog I find that it helps me also with your positive and unique stories. My heart goes out to you every time! :0)
I think you are doing a fine job of keeping track of things. One thing that helped me, was to have a special calendar just for jotting divorce/seperation items on to make it easier once we finally came before the judge. In my opinion, you cannot be too prepared against someone that has no trouble changing his mind midstream and/or lying straight to your face. You do what you need to do to take care of you and don't apologize for it to anyone.
Now, my own little water at work story. One day, when I was working at a nursing home, the occupational therapist and I were doing a co-treatment with a stroke patient. We had him using the sink in his room to help pull himself to standing, and don't you know he pulled the sink right off the wall. After the first thought of "thank God it didn't land on him" we both just stood there as water sprayed everywhere, until someone came in and shut off the valve. Living an hour from work, made it impossible to go home to change, but we got through. The best part was what our patient said. His response, "I can't wait to tell my wife I took a shower with two beautiful women today!" A much better response than "I'm sueing you" don't ya think?
Wow, “Bud”, someone’s been sucking on the pickled lemon juice! Talk about sour grapes. If you have never been in O4JC’s place then you are certainly not one to be able to tell her what to and what not to do. Speaking from the viewpoint of someone who HAS been in O4JC’s place this is an incredibly difficult situation for her to be in. Texas (my state), just like her state is a community property state – including community debt. If the judge decides to split the debt, she can pay half of his debt, even though she didn’t accrue it. If her soon-to-be ex-jackhole decides to declare bankruptcy in order to get out of paying any of his debts, and the judge decides that she has the means to pay his debts b/c he accrued them while they were still technically married, she can be forced to pay ALL of his debts. You should learn the WHOLE story before you go calling judgment on someone whose shoes YOU ARE NOT IN. Until you are in her shoes, you have no right to tell her what she should and should not do. You don’t know what she is feeling inside. You don’t know her reasons for doing or not doing something. I HAVE been where she is now, very recently in fact. People like you piss me off b/c you have no clue what is going on inside of her. So unless you have been in her shoes and have gone through the extent of what she has with her cheating, lying jackhole, then you better back off, “Bud”, and find someplace else to lurk. Your comments can be completely deleted and erased from this blog by O4JC or didn’t you know that?
You’re a blog troll so go hide in a cave. Remember the sympathy and understanding you refused to give here will not be returned to you tenfold when you need it the most. Karma. Justice. Whatever you want to call it, it will come back to bite you. Just like it will come back to bite O4JC’s soon-to-be ex-jackhole. He will get his in the end too. God will not let him go unpunished. Someday soon all of his “friends” that he is deceiving will find out just what he really is like and O4JC will be vindicated.
Bud--- you could probably post the exact same comment on MY blog. I am admittedly married to a loser, and if I am honest with myself, I know that I am beating my head against a wall where he is concerned.
But, I love him. I loved him then, and even though things are bubbling like magma beneath the volcano right now, I still love him.
I would like to meet the person that can say "he is an ass, I am so glad that it is over, I am happier than I have ever been and his activities haven't crossed my mind in the past year", so I can call them a liar to their face. I think some of hte most hurtful actions are by people that you loved--- people that have been part of your life. Even if it is OVER, totally over, it still hurts. It still cuts deeply-- to the bone.
This is one place wehre oneforJC can post about her process going through this. anyone who dares to be critical about the entire process, isn't much of a friend. even if only a virtual friend.
cutting ties with someone isn't as cut and dried as it sounds. if you want to give criticism, at least make it constructive. If you don't agree with her actions as far as how she is dealing with the situation, there is a simple solution. there is a little box up on the upper right of the screen with an "x" in it--- just click it and move on.
I don't know anything about getting divorced, but I know that you are doing the best you can. You have a right to be angry and hurt. I'm sorry some people have to be jerks about it, but honestly my take is that one of Big Red's friends (or perhaps the infamous Big Red himself) has found your blog and feels the urge to be a jerk about it. Believe me, you've been on my blog enough to know I can relate to losers who can't get a grip hanging on your every word becuase they're the ones who can't move on and whose actions are deplorable.
Hang in there!
Easy Nic? Gosh, "Bud", there you go ASSuming something about someone and a situation you know nothing about. Irregardless, you mess with JC, you're going to get her pit bull after you. Chances are, she didn't know any of this info until you came and put it in her comments so at least you are possibly good for something. Still, your unsympathetic comments are not welcome here. This may not be my blog, but she is my friend, one that I happen to care about a lot and value, and I will not just stand by and allow anyone to talk to her in the manner that you have. You don't like being verbally smacked by someoe who would stand up for her in a heartbeat, don't post comments like that for someone whose shoes you have not been in. If you haven't been in her situation, you have no room to speak.
It takes some people a lot longer to get over things than others, especially if they still have to deal with it and have it shoved in their face on a daily basis from someone who shows one side to everyone else to impress them and their true nature to the person they want to hurt the most. With the emotional investment that is there in this situation, it is NOT something that can be turned off at will. You can't cut off feelings whenever you want. Live, love and the heart don't work that way...unless you don't have a heart.
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