Patty reminded me about this site when she posted this about her brush with animal control. Did you go look?
I'll wait go ahead...
I had a few odd mental pictures about her neighbor who will be known in my mind as Mr. Cat Lover. One of which would be the view of Mr. Cat Lover's (who is reporting her dogs) window with his attack cat taking aim at her dogs.

that a few days ago in reference to my friend Jane. I have been molting these last few days. I needed to be reminded that God will lift me up just like the eagles.
I am still waiting to see if I will have the money to go on the missions trip. The first installment is due on Sunday. Anyone feeling generous?
I'm linking another new blog at the side. She is a friend of mine who has been bitten by the blog bug too. So go visit Kim-Possible and encourage her to keep going.
Wow I do have quite a diverse group of friends don't I?
By the way I bought copy of Be as you are by Kenny Chesney. Haven't listened yet but I'm jumping on the bandwagon as well.
That cat is too funny for words!
How much money do you need. I can't get any to you by tomorrow, but after the first of the month I should have some extra.
Will stop by Kim's blog when I get a spare second.
Total it is $1300, but I need another $200 by tomorrow for the initial down payment to even get on the team to go...God will come through if he wants me to go.
I want you to go. Tell them what an assest you are, and that sometimes deadlines are meant to be extended by a couple of weeks. Then you and I need to talk.
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