The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about themselves" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their six weird habits/things, as well as state the rules clearly (copy/paste works). In the end, you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment for them stating they're tagged and that they need to read yours...
1. I am so white I am almost transparent. You can clearly see the veins under my skin on my arms. I am so white that I can burn outside in the sun within 30 minutes on a sunny day. Of course I don't tan out and turn that nice golden brown you see people in the summer doing...Oh no I got from red right back to white!
2. I work with children and serve breakfast to them every morning in the classroom. I have noticed that when I use the tongs to serve the fruit pieces I MUST click them together 2 times between grabbing additional pieces of fruit to serve. I know I know odd...
3. I really really like to watch those stupid crime shows like City Confidential, American Justice, FBI Files and the New Detectives. I am fascinated to say the least.
4. I was young when Princess Di married Prince Charles. It happened on a Saturday morning and I was up to watch the event. I wasn't up for the event. I was up to watch cartoons before the crack of dawn. I actually cried when I heard the news that she had been killed in the auto accident. I never really followed her life aside from these events. Sure I heard news clips now and then but I didn't go out of my way to learn things about her and her life. I recorded the funeral as it was broadcast here in the US and also strangely awoke at 3 am to watch it as well. Somehow these events that happened years apart have left a very big impression on me.
5. If I had to I could live on Mashed Potatoes and milk. I eat Mashed Potatoes 4-5 times a week and I actually have to limit myself to a set amount of milk each day. When I was a child I drank an entire gallon in one day and got in a lot of trouble for doing so.
6.I always have a koosh ball, a stress ball or some other toy in my purse. I don't sit still well at all. As an adult I have learned how to occupy my hands when I have to be still for a long time so that I am not too distarcting. If I was a child today I KNOW that I would be medicated.
Tag 6 people you must be kidding! Last time I tagged people there was public outcry, protesting and....ok well people just weren't happy about it...If you want to do it leave me a note so I can check it out...
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