Now before you start thinking "Oh yeah Jamaica. That's not exactly a rough place to have a missions trip." I need to tell you that I don't think I will ever be anywhere near a beach. I will be up in a mountain at a children's home helping the existing missions staff. I THINK they have running water but I'm not sure. All I know is as an act of obedience I'm going. Well that and I need to get my Passport in line pretty quick.
I have been given a few good ideas on how to raise the rest of the money. AND I have had 3 more people tell me today that they will be making a contibution toward the cost of my trip. Yeah! To quote a friend, "This is a doable amount of money!"
Mom and Beau have promised not to plan the wedding for November while I'm gone.
On a side note I never realized HOW much I jiggle my legs until the backs of my knees became sunburned. And if one more person looks at me and says," Have you heard of sunscreen?" There may be a death. I can't state this any clearer.
I WAS IN THE SHADE FOR 90% OF THE DAY! When I was out in the sun it was for only maybe 10 minutes at a time before I retreated to the shade again.
Whew I feel better having cleared the air on that.
Last year my family went on a (guided) horseback ride through a part of Jamaica, and we saw some small children standing beside their house and the conditions broke my heart. I am very glad you are going to help them.
Not nearly as important I know, but beware of being startled by how skinny the animals look as well. After seeing so many pampered pets here (including my own, even though according to the scale AND the vet, NONE of them are overweight) all of their pets look anorexic.
And we were in a tourist area....... I can only say again, they need your help, and I am very glad you are going.
Hey there sunshine. I will be happy to donate something to your trip. Have been busy corresponding with someone I met through eHarmony. Don't know if this is the One, but he's pretty darn close to perfectly what I've been praying for. He's also in Iraq right now so we have plenty of time to get to know each other until his end of deployment in February. I'll post about him soon.
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