1. Even when I'm going the speed limit (or perhaps a little above) people who still feel the need to pass me on my scooter. On a double yellow line no less when there is on coming traffic they pass close enough to almost knock me off the road.
2. Men with HUGE trucks. You know the ones I'm talking about. I recently pulled up to a light only to be right next to this truck with tires as tall as me on the scooter! I pulled up a little to get out of his side exhaust pipes only to have him pull up further with me. What was he thinking! He pulled up inching forward like I was going to race him off the line! I personally think men with these HUGE trucks are lacking something else in their lives or are "over compensating" in a Freudian type way.
So what bugs you? What are your pet peeves?
aw shoot, I kinda like the big trucks, if they will let me drive!!! I loved my ex's big butt F250 diesel, the thing sounded like a small jet taking off, I used to give him the "mom mobile" and take off in the truck all of the time!
Pet peeve, the kids in their cars with their bass turned so high it literally hurts my ears, I have worked in radio and know for a fact, from a study, that women's ears are much more sensitive to bass. It really does hurt!
I have one of those big trucks. We had to get it to pull our travel trailer, and now that my car is on it's last leg I drive the truck if I am going any distance. I do know what you are talking about, and I try and not take advantage of being up high and being able to see into other peoples cars.
My pet peeve of the moment...... When the phone rings while I am in the middle of something and 1. It is someone reminding me of something that they told me only hours before (probably because they forgot they had already told me)OR 2. I stop what I am doing to make it to the phone just in time for the caller to hang up or for it to be a sales pitch. If I didn't have the business I swear I wouldn't have a phone!
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