It is almost impossible to go down a street in Fort Wayne right now without seeing a roadkill squirrel! On numerous occasions this weekend one of them has run out into the road....stopped and stared me down in the road to see if I will stop the scooter or car.
Do we need to find a little pet psychologist to counsel our little furry friends away from the perils of the roadways?
Are they in full out rebellion and playing a new form of the game chicken?
I understand that the fall season means that the squirrels will be running around and hiding the acorns for later in the year when ole man winter comes BUT....
Any thoughts on this?
I believe that they simply have a death wish.
I have been wondering the same thing in my neck of the woods regarding snakes. While out running I have seen a higher than normal increase in snake carcass. Maybe it is survival of the fittest at work, or else along with the srink, you need to send out an eye doctor. Maybe they are misjudging the distance between them and the vehicles they are encountering?
I have the coolest squirrel that hangs out in my backyard - the silly azz thing runs up the tree and gets in the branches that hang out over the pond....and I am really not sure if he does this on purpose or not, but I have witnessedit on three different occasions, he falls or lets go, and lands in the pond...he swims to shore and looks around as if to see if anyone was watching and goes on about his business. I am honestly not sure if it is a he or a she or if it is actualy the same one all three times...but it sure is fun to watch!
It is unfortunate, but a squirrel permitted suicide in front of my vehicle right on Bowling Ave. the other day. I felt bad, but it was his fault.
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