The World Trade Center after the terrorist attack and the beginning sign of the unity that was created that no one could have predicted.
So everyone knows what happened on 9-11-01. The attacks. The lives lost. The political fallouts. The unity that was displayed by the flags flying every where one looked.
I find many discussions lately centering around the "Where were you when..." question.
I was at work at a childcare center located across the street from our local Federal Court House. Which was located one block from one of the biggest financial centers in the state of Indiana. I had gone to work before the planes had gone missing and crashed. They came around to the rooms and told us that 2 planes had crashed into the WTC and we needed to be "on alert" because of the company down the street. Then the pentagon...be "on high alert" because of the federal building beside us and oh by the way there are several planes missing...here is our new evacation plan so that we can get as far away from those 2 buildings ASAP and keep the children safe. They gave us extra supplies for our fire drill bags and suddenly they were Evacuation bags.
Since the stock market had closed down and the country was in chaos parents started coming early and we shut down. When I went home that day I noticed huge lines at the gas stations. I saw on TV that the plane had crashed in PA.
I sat glued to the television watching in horror and realizing that the world as we knew it was changed forever. I wasn't a Christian when this happened. I had only been married a month and Big Red was talking about going and helping with the clean up. Uh.....NO! Well I won that arguement.
I remember watching the bottom of the TV screen at all of the local churches that were opening their doors to the public for prayer and the hours they would be unlocked. I didn't go but the seed was planted in my brain that this was a direction I could turn to in a time of crisis.
So where were you? How were you changed?
1 comment:
I'm 9,984. Close. Maybe tomorrow.
I wa son my way to work. The clock in the car said 8:27. I was stopped at the frontage road of I-35 and Stassney and I turned the radio on. I heard that two planes had flown into the towers and that we were under terrorist attack. I called my then husband on the cell. He had worked all night and was going to sleep. He answered and I said "Turn on the TV NOW. We're under attack! Turn it on and tape it!" I think he taped something like 12 hours worth of it.
I have become more vigilant, joined a first responder team that is part of our cities office of emergency management and I am a diehard patriotic, troop supporting right-wing mother who isn't concerned anymore about what others think of my patriotism.
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