1. Drunk people in large groups (25,000+) are VERY entertaining. Most of the people were drunk in the parking lot before they entered the arena. Well what do expect when the cheapest drink is a rum concoction that was $7.50 for a solo cup full.
2. I have a friend who sees me as "churchy" and stated to me dozens of times that, "I just made Jesus cry!" Seems that those nuns have done a number on her head.... :o)
3. This same friend apologized for trying to corrupt me...which I'm still not quite sure how she corrupted me.
4. Some of these Kenny Chesney fans are more like fanatics/obsessive idol worshippers. Not any one in the group I was in but some of the people I saw.....wow!
5. Only an idiot would throw a half chewed Gummy Bear out their car window at another vehicle traveling at 70 miles an hour.
6. A cell phone call in the middle of a concert so my sister could hear her favorite song...priceless!

I'd like to thank Mike's carwash and the Dahm family for getting said chewed rainbow gummy off my car after the idiot threw it on my car and it had dried and sat in the hot sun.
But hey!
It's only gummy.
But... Will you go again next year? Or was it one of those thing that while you are glad for the experience, once is enough?
So, does that mean you DIDN'T pray for my soul all the way home?!?
Sorry about that. Estrogen + booze + mean security guards who don't understand destiny = grumpiness.
But didn't he look HOTTTT when he sang. But he's totally ruined "Three Little Birds" for me.
But every little thing is gonna be alright...
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