Thursday, September 14, 2006

A signal from above

So Mom, my sister and I perused some wedding cake photos and she placed the order for the upcoming nuptials. It still just sounds so odd to Mom's wedding. I knew she might find someone after my Dad passed away but it just all seems surreal.

I don't know about you but in my area we don't see too many hot air balloons just floating over the city. As I was out scooting around tonight I looked up to see a hot air balloon just floating silently above me only about 400 feet in the air and less than a quarter of a mile away from me. I was meant to see this balloon because it was so close.

My Dad loved hot air balloons. I can't even count the number of times we were dragged out of bed before the crack of dawn to go watch the start of a hot air balloon race. It is breath taking to watch as dozens of balloons are laid out on the ground and slowly filled with air to lift off the ground one by one. If we saw one on the way home from somewhere as a child and we weren't in a hurry my Dad would "chase" it. Many times we would find the chase vehicle and he knew it was about to land so we would start on our way home.

Somehow I think on the day of picking out the wedding cake and my unsettled feeling about all this it is quite ironic that I see a balloon for the first time in years.

I know my Dad would want the wedding to happen. He would want her to be happy. I really am at peace with all this stuff now.

I still think it sounds odd that I'm going to be getting step siblings at my age...But that's ok.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And to top it all off we are probably going to 'get' to see big bro.

Actually. I want to see how everyone is doing. Maybe all will be well.

I am going to count on sunshine. And let the chips fall where they will.