Monday, November 14, 2005

Tackling the computer room

Whew! I had a dear, sweet, kind, gracious friend go with me to take on my cleaning project in the house. I'm happy to say we got through most of it and managed to pack up most of the rest of the room too! I now have very little personal items left to pack. I have not yet told him that I plan on moving out for good. Big Red seems to oblivious to what I'm doing, he is too concentrated on what I'm "not doing". I did find a few surprises that I didn't expect...

On a happier note...

God is still doing some amazing work in my life right now. He is starting to heal my heart and deepening the peace I feel. I continue to pray that Big Red will come running back to God. I believe that God is also calling me to go on a 2 week missions trip in the spring. I know this is awful timing, I don't have the money and I must be crazy to consider this, BUT I'm praying for God's direction and I have asked a few close friends to join me prayer about this issue also.

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