Monday, November 07, 2005

Jumping on the wagon too...

I've decided to jump on the band wagon of "Things that I hear at daycare". I've been teaching children in this setting for over 13 years and I always think I've heard it all:

* Over heard in the Dramatic play area.
Child 1: No I get to be the Daddy.
Child 2: No I want to be the Daddy!
Child 1: Ok but YOU still have to bring me the beer.

* We introduced a new alphabet matching game with letters written on chips that resembled Poker chips. After another child pointed out that his daddy plays with those another child decided to quote his Uncle by saying, "Poke her I didn't even know her!" He did not understand why all the teachers broke into laughter.

* We hosted the annual "pajama day" in our classroom. We discussed the different types of PJ's we all had (footy, superman, Blue's Clues etc). When a little girl proclaims in her loudest voice ever, "My Daddy only wears his fur to bed at nighttime!" Now that was a mental picture I didn't need.

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