Since we have well established that I am a part of a family with eccentricities...Ok "I am a kin to many in a brood o' rednecks" I thought I would pull out the "virtual family photo album". They are not my pictures but I can very well see any one of a number of my family numbers participating in these activities.
For example the picture above is a version of a redneck bass boat. Note the comfort of a chair along with the trolling motor in front so he doesn't need to get up to switch spots on the lake or "crick". Billy Bob seems to be explaining to the camera how he lost his beer cooler the last time he was out fishing because he didn't have it tied on properly.

And oh yes Christmas at the redneck house! How would it ever be complete without the Gingerbread trailer park. Note the car on blocks in the yard along with the monster truck in the driveway. And we can't forget the multicolored posts holding the deck together. The only thing missing is the bumper sticker on the back that says, "If this trailer's rockin' don't a come a knockin' "

Well you know how I have been talking about riding the scooter around town. I have finally found the exact picture I want to represent the scooter. Of course I can only ride it for 10 minutes at a time to avoid the engine overheating and catching my wooden frame on fire. At some point I hope to get two tires almost the same size so I stop sliding off the back.
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