A little known fact is that I come from a very diverse family to say the least. On one hand I have the relatives that are very wealthy and prominent in their local cities and states.
On the other hand I have the rednecks...
I had the opportunity to attend a relative's wedding today...A redneck wedding.
My sister and I had the "pleasure" of taking pictures of the blessed event. I was unaware that I would have a camera in hand until mere hours before the event. A few highlights of the day:

*The bride was given away by her brother who was dressed in a PURPLE PIMP OUTFIT! I will post a picture but you will not believe the outfit anyway. This is an EXACT replica of the outfit he wore!
*The wedding started a little late because the groom had to go back home to get the marriage license AND the rings which had been forgotten. Well that and most of the wedding party was outside smoking when it was time to start.
*My sister had to provide the music via her ipod hooked to a computer because they also forgot the music for the reception. After much searching a suitable song was found to have the "first dance purely photo opportunity" picture.
*I believe every member of the wedding party had some sort of tattoo showing thru the white dress shirts and purple dresses. This included an array of crosses, butterflies, flowers, tribal artwork, EVIL CLOWNS and naked women. I have nothing against tattoos per se BUT when an effort is made to showcase all the tattoos at the wedding....

*The wedding party including the bride and groom walked back out of the ceremony to the keyboardist playing In-a-gadda-da-vida by Iron Maiden.
*The beverages for the reception were cases of Pop kept in a fridge in the basement of the church (where the reception was). This is not really a redneck event until I tell you that when people got pop out of the fridge they put money in a container in the fridge.
*She is not currently pregnant (I think) as the youngest is only a matter of weeks old but the groom and groomsmen did wear jeans with the white shirts as noted in the picture at the side. Although they weren't overalls.I am sure I have missed a few important details but you get the idea...
But they are my family and I will love them and try my best to show my support.
Edited note on the cake!
They did have a wedding cake... not the one pictured...
*the topper was a bride holding on to the back of the grooms tux as he tried to run away...
*they did have a small baby figurine on the cake along with a powerpuff child to represent their own children...
*when it was served they included the decorations that were the FOIL FLOWERS and someone at my table tried to eat it!
Further update on the wedding...
*My wonderful sister Coffee reminded me of the wedding vows...she blogged on the loveliness of the vows and the genuine love expressed while I will note the funniness of the self prepared vows...
"I take you my hairy redheaded woman to..."
"I take you my big burly rednecked man to..."
It takes guts to write vows like that and then to speak them in front of God, family and friends...wow.
I only heard this part because their daughter had joined them on the altar and fallen back down the steps at this point... face first. I being near the front scooped her up and walked back away from the non- microphoned event so others could hear.
Lord have mercy ladies..what an event!!!!
Was the "cake" ho-ho's and cupcakes?
I gotta link to this..its precious!
OMG, this trumps my redneck wedding from last weekend!!! You guys rock!!!
OK Ok I pulled the wedding cake pic off the internet but I never claimed they were actual pics just replica's. They did have a wedding cake...
the topper was a bride holding on to the back of the grooms tux as he tried to run away...
They did have a small baby figurine on the cake along with a powerpuff child to represent their own children...
when it was served they included the decorations that were the FOIL FLOWERS and someone at my table tried to eat it!
That topper's better than the hostess cake.
I LOVE weddings where people bring their kids. I must be too old-fashioned, because that gets me EVERY time. :-(
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