Thursday, May 18, 2006

Not much going on...

I have been busy shutting off utilities, transferring monies here and there and generally making Big Red mad.

I don't have much to say so I thought I would post a fun picture instead!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Are you saying maybe Big Red could use my cry room (idea)? by the way, you know this but, You're not making Big Red mad. He is allowing himself to get mad at the actions his behavior and poor choices have created. I call that natural consequences. You sleep with another woman, your wife gets her name off of shared utilities. Deal with it Buddy!

Also, remember that anger is just a mask for fear. Again his fault, but he hasn't a clue how he is going to get along without you in his world,and he is scared.

If you don't come up with anything better to blog about, maybe you could share with us if doing all these practical things have brought you any closure regarding your divorce. I even have a title for you....... "Rituals of Divorce.... Friend or Foe?"