* Mom "officially" moved back to the lake this weekend.
* Why would my Mom and Beau decide to live together before they get married? If they are that committed and planning a small wedding for the end of the year why not just get married now?

* I don't like being sunburned. I mean I hid under a tree yesterday and still managed to burn my face and ears. It's not like I will tan out...I will be red and then go right back to that pale white color I always am.
* I am ready for Big Red to be out of my life but he still has a pull on my emotions. Somehow when I filed for divorce I forgot to add the part to the petition that said I would cease to love him immediately. I get so angry with him. I can pray "Get him God!" and then 10 minutes later pray that God will move powerfully in his life to bring him back to Christ...not to me...to Christ.
* I have discovered this online fish tank game. I have trouble with the pause button so my fish rarely live more than a day. I can pause it and come back in two hours to dead starved fish that are 180 days old somehow.
*Why do they put shows on TV that describe ALL the forensics behind catching a criminal? Aren't we just making the criminals smarter?
* I am ready for a new start I just need to get the old life behind me and begin the healing process again.
* I think I am ready to start posting more about the initial stages of this process to begin the "closure" part. Maybe that can be next....
1 comment:
Don't ya just hate it when your mind just won't turn itself off?
Have you tried that lotion tanning stuff? I use the Jergens brand, and like the shade that it makes my skin (Though I will say, that I tan pretty easy, so I cannot atest of how it will work on a pale papoose such as yourself.) The more melanin you can bring up to the top layer of your skin, the less likely your chances of burning.
Speaking of burning...... Happy for you that mom has moved for the summer. May her and Beau have many happy campfires, and lots of burnt marshmallows through out the summer months. Enjoy your peace and quiet.
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