This has been a hard day for several years now but this year it is more difficult. I did get to hold a baby for most of the service which is a huge accomplishment for me. You see my dream of children has been put on hold for the time being. You know the divorce thing...
Our church hands out books to Parents on special days oh say like.... Mother's Day. Some people consider me a Mother even though I have no children here...Some don't...and some just don't know because they don't know me. I go to a rather large church to say the least.
I tried to stall until most of the 14 ushers had left and thought I had. Several people approached me to give me the book today. I had to turn, politely refuse and walk away. I tried several exits and finally burst into tears in the middle of the sanctuary where I was greeted by two close friends. They had been watching and where trying to get to me but couldn't get passed the crowd.
I fell apart and they comforted me and prayed with me. Exactly what I needed.
In other news my Mom must be mad at me...I've called to wish her a Happy Mother's Day and have not gotten a response at all.
1 comment:
I tried to think of something cheerful and witty to help you feel better, but I didn't want you to think I was making light of your pain....... So......
I will just say I'm thinking of you, and hoping today is a better day for you.
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