Big Red is in utter disbelief as the utilities are slowly being shut off. He was given ample time to get them in his name, his Mom's name, the dog's name or anyone's name but mine! I gave him the deadline and worked with him for a few days while we found out from various companies exactly what they required for the transfer and waited for checks to clear so we would have a zero balance.
Let's get realistic here... I haven't lived there since last July and I wasn't going to leave them in my name forever!! I have been more than patient with this whole process.
So tough cookies Big Red! Live with your choices and the consequences that resulted from them. Grow up and be a Man...Take responsibility for your actions or inactions whatever the case may be!
LOVED! hearing you stand up for yourself! WoooooHoooooo!
I can't believe you left them in your name all that time anyhow. You're much kinder than most would be. Oh well, I hope he realizes now that you're not ever coming back.
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