A definite Boy Bathroom.
He had even been allowed to take a permanent marked and scrawl out his name and (last year's school) number on each of the 3 plastic drawers in the little rubbermaid type cabinet under the sink in "his bathroom".
Being a small child who did not want to lose his drawers from lack of use he filled one with his toothbrush and toothpaste. One had little Dixie cups pulled apart and placed carefully in the drawer so that the 18 cups could fill the entire bottom of the drawer. The last one had various army men and other boy type things to amuse himself with in the bathtub.
When I moved in and it was determined that I would be staying for quite a while it was decided that a conversation needed to take place with the chap so that he could understand (somewhat) why Aunt One4jc was living at Grandma's house. It couldn't be hidden because after all it is right across the street.
We discussed among other things (at some point) if I could use one of his drawers to place some of my things inside. You see Grandma has used all the other drawers to store her Clown Make-up etc. I need a drawer for some of my things.
OK he agreed that I could borrow one "for a while".
Fast forward to today. He has been dropped off so Mom and Dad can go in their opposite directions and the little lad can be supervised. We talk for a while and he goes to watch TV while I pick out my clothes and get ready to take a shower.
Apparently "a while" has passed in his mind.
So I am getting ready to hop in the shower not so eagerly this morning. I have cramps and the arrival of Aunt Flo has happened. I go to my drawer only to discover that I have no tampons in it!!!

I find my drawer emptied of it's contents and filled with you guessed it...little plastic dinosaurs!
How very BOY of him! Little Dinosaurs!
But now the problem is that I am in need of "Feminine Hygiene Products" and I can't find them!
I start going through all the drawers while visions of him unwrapping them to make torpedos go through my head! Or picturing him trying to decide exactly where to hang them by those funny little strings.
With the way his mind runs 100 miles an hour I pictured....Maybe I could fix them with my superpowers and make them stick like new earrings on Grandma's picture in the hallway...Maybe I could tie one to the cat's tail so she would have something to play with while we are gone at Church...
I am pleased to discover that he has decided to place them in with Grandma's clown make-up. Thankfully they are still sealed.
But I guess I no longer have a drawer in "his" bathroom anymore...
Oh and by the way if you happen to be at my house and notice a tampon hanging somewhere it shouldn't be...please let me know!
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