Saturday, February 17, 2007

You have got to be kidding me?! Britney Spears is at it again!

Ok this girl seems to have finally gone over the edge! She shaved her head and got a few tattoos!?! Isn't there something about a 72 hour Psych hold that she can't fight?

Come on now. In and out of rehab within 24 hours...shaved your head BALD...B-A-L-D! and then get a lips tattoo and one that will not be confirmed or denied in another "location"?

If this is true I am sure it might get yanked down by YouTube or Britney's reps soon....

Rehab? Psych evaluation? If she seemed scatter brained and distraut then WHY did they give her the Tat???????Was she high? drunk? nervous breakdown? What about her kids?


Unknown said...

they (uhm) probably gave her a tat because (I am sooooo cynical) she is Britney Spears and NOW there will be extended hours at the tatoo parlor so Spears fans can get the "same tat as Brit at the same tat shop as Brit." Maybe they can even pay a little extra for the same tat guy that Brit had!

Unknown said...

Egad! I hope he remembered his gloves!

Patty said...

This is why I have always preached to my kids to take their time growing up and to pospone "adult" experiences for as long as possible.

Beginning to do outlandish things at the young age Britney started doing them, in the name of getting attention, has created a situation in which she needs to keep uping the crazyness anti to keep getting the attention.

After all, if a star is NOT getting attention, it is thought that their star has gone out. If said star has all of their self-esteem wrapped up in getting noticed, they will do anything (include things that make the rest of us lose respect for them) to keep getting noticed. How sad for them! And what a lesson for the rest of us on "how NOT to behave."