I detest needles. Have I mentioned that before? Today I found myself in a chair not unlike the one pictured at my doctor's office. Oh the dreaded testing that comes along with APS. Usually they are not as bad as the one today. Somehow a test was thrown in that I needed to fast for 12 hours before. Not have any additional Vitamin K in my system from food or something like that.
I don't do well with fasting blood tests. You see my veins roll causing an uncomfortable situation for myself and the person taking my precious blood. If about an hour before the test I drink a bottle of water my veins don't roll as much therefore they do not have to "dig" for them as they do the blood test.
You were warned.....
For 20 minutes she strapped and unstrapped both of my arms searching for a "usable" vein. This is not a good sign. She gently spoke of the talk radio program she had on as she saw me growing increasingly apprehensive. Next thing I know she has put the "rubber hose" around my forearm. Oh crap! Those hurt I know this from the past...before I was told of the bottle of water thing.
Now take a second to look at your hand...OK now your wrist.....you know that little bone on the outer side of your wrist. Not a lot of cushion there in that spot? Mine either! About a half an inch above that spot I have a bruise that is swollen from the IV tube thing they hooked up to draw the vials of blood. Yes that was plural...I stopped counting.... But my blood must have been extremely thick today as it took 10 minutes to finish. AND I kept hearing her say things like whoa, wow, look at that and oh my.
I did well with the actual draw despite her comments.
Then the after effects hit. I asked for a drink of water. Not yet they said.
When I woke up they had a fan on me. On high less than 2 feet away from me kind of fan. Then I realized I was vomiting into a bio hazard bag...well kind of...since I had been fasting. While recovering from the Big pass out of 2007 I took in all the wonderful stars still floating in the room and all the other wonderful side effects that go along with that.
When I recovered and they FINALLY let me leave I realized the entire process had taken well over an hour. I have no idea how long I was out. I have spent most of the day in a fog.
And man my wrist hurts! I am sure by tomorrow it will be a nicer shade of purple...
I hope they got what they need for awhile, and I am sorry you had to go throug that.
While not as bad as yours, I too have small viens and have done much better since I was told "fasting did NOT include water so I can keep drinking it." It is much easier to get the blood out of a well hydrated body. Maybe next time bulk up on the water the day or two before the test if you have warning that it is happening that is.
Oddly as you sister I "give" blood frequently and I am used to it. I only wish I could take your place sis.
I have passed out more often than not when they take my blood. I always get so embarassed by it, I understand what you go through. During my last stint in the hospital my veins kept collapsing and they kept having to move the IV. The plan during surgery was to put in a central line, but they couldn't even do that without my veins collapsing. Its no fun. Well hopefully its over with for awhile and your bruise will fade soon!
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