Sunday, February 11, 2007

This is the song I was telling a friend about the other day....

Your House (Hidden Track)
By Alanis Morissette

Ok the song starts out a little creepy. But when I think of all the things that she does in his apartment I believe it is her way of saying goodbye...then she finds the letter and it is no longer her choice to say goodbye.

I can relate to this. No I had no intentions of leaving Big Red but when I found out about the affair I tried to grasp onto any little bit of control I thought I had. I wanted it to be my choice to leave. He chose the adultery and I wanted to chose to kick his butt to the curb. But when it was slowly revealed to me that he was/is still "dating" I no longer had the choices. Well I did because I could have stuck around and stayed (yeah right!) but I think more of myself than to live in a relationship like that.

I don't feel like this song anymore but I can see how someone could get stuck in this place....


Laura said...

Did you read my comment about how people take marriage so flippantly? We all deserve better than to be cheated on. You made a tough choice, but it was the right one, and you've got great things in your future.

Unknown said...

I could not agree more!

Patty said...

Glad you caught yourself, as there is always a choice in all of our decision making. You made the right one, no doubt in my mind.