Unless I can come up with an internet version like the one above I will need to depend on the kindness of strangers and family until I can get a connection of my own. My Mom and Beau will be taking a crucial piece of hardware that will prohibit me from going online at home. Since I have been busy doing things like pretending to be one big happy family for Thanksgiving, shopping for her birthday presents, taking care of the issues created by a "oh by the way __fill in the blank___ will be shut off on __fill in the date__" statements and cleaning up after she comes here in a whirlwind leaving scattered messes in her wake I have not had the time to do the proper research into what type of provider I need that doesn't require a land line phone connection.
I will still be checking in and posting as often as possible. I hope to not be offline very long but who knows how long it will take to get an appointment to get things hooked up.
1 comment:
Check out cable connections from your local cable company. That is what we use.
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